When shopping for an installment loan, you will need to keep several factors in mind. First, take a look at your payback options. Ideally, the lender will offer flexible payment schedules and allow partial payments, late payments, and extensions (assuming you notify the lender promptly). Next, consider the application process. Is it easy and quick? Does it require a credit check? If approved, will you receive instant funding? Finally, consider the fees and interest rates. Be sure that you understand all of the fees involved, and look for the best rates for installment loans. After all, the lower the interest rate, the lower the overall cost of the loan.
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What Are Prorated Fees?
Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed by unfamiliar terms on lending websites? If you’re going to apply for a personal loan, it is absolutely crucial that you understand the various terms and conditions. So today we’re going to answer a question that may arise as you browse installment loans: what are prorated fees? As prorated fees are often advertised as a valuable benefit of a loan, let’s explore how beneficial these sorts of fees truly are when compared to typical fees.
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Personal Loans with Instant Funding
Whether you need a personal loan to pay for an urgent car repair or a pressing medical bill, time is of the essence! So as you browse potential lenders, searching for a reputable company that can quickly provide you with the funds you so desperately need, keep an eye out for personal loans with instant funding. An instant loan can be extremely advantageous. Not only will it allow you to pay your bills on time, but it will also alleviate your stress and allow you to relax. We know that you don’t have a minute to waste, so let’s get to it!
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Do You Need Good Credit to Get a Personal Loan?
Although grades and report cards are left behind upon graduating from school, adults still worry about one all-important and everlasting grade: the credit score. A credit score is a numerical expression that represents a person’s creditworthiness. It incorporates a variety of financial information, including credit history and personal money management, which means that attempting to raise a credit score can be a frustrating and time-consuming process. This is unfortunate, because a credit score can dramatically affect a person’s ability to complete important tasks, like obtaining a credit card, buying a house, and securing a loan. If your number isn’t as high as you would like, you might wonder how it will affect your future. For example, do you need good credit to get a personal loan?
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Personal Loan Repayment Options
Before you apply for a personal loan, you must form a repayment plan. How will you obtain the money you need to pay off the loan? When will you be able to make your first payment? On what sort of schedule would you prefer to pay back the lender? Without a sensible strategy for repayment, you could end up paying far more than you intended in fees and fines. So before jumping in head first, review the personal loan repayment options and emergency alternatives below.
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What Is the Purpose of the CFSA?
Small-dollar, short-term loans sometimes get a bad reputation due to the dishonest and unprincipled behavior of a few bad seeds. If it weren’t for the CFSA, consumers might be afraid to trust an online lender. So what is the purpose of the CFSA? The Community of Financial Services Association of America (CFSA) was established to alleviate consumers’ concerns and improve the safety and security of the lending process.
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Installment Loan APR
Unless you’re borrowing money from your mom and dad (or perhaps even then), you can expect your installment loan to come with an interest rate. However, because many interest rates are described in terms of months and neglect to include fees, it can be difficult for borrowers to assess the true cost of the loan. To figure out how much the loan will cost in total, you will need to factor in the annual percentage rate (APR). An installment loan APR communicates the interest rate of the loan for the entire year including any required fees. To better understand the APRs of installment loans, check out the FAQs below.
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Why Use a Direct Lender?
When you need an installment loan (stat!), you shouldn’t beat around the bush with just any lending company. Choosing the wrong lender could have terrible consequences—longer waiting times, more expensive loans, pestering lenders, frequent phone calls . . . As you search online for potential installment loans, be vigilant and take your time distinguishing between affiliates, who farm applicants’ information out to hundreds of potential lenders, and direct lending companies, who will process your application directly and provide you with a loan if you are approved. So why use a direct lender? Although we’ve already provided one basic (but essential) reason, let’s dig a little deeper . . .
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Direct Lenders for Installment Loans
Put yourself in the shoes of someone in a desperate financial situation (if you’re not in that role already). You need money fast, perhaps for a car repair or a medical bill, but your paycheck won’t arrive until the end of the month. Asking a friend or family member for help is impossible or simply uncomfortable. And with your atrocious or nonexistent credit score, securing a credit card or certain types of loans is inconceivable. What can you do? To whom can you turn? Direct lenders for installment loans may be the ideal solution.
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How to Find Direct Lenders
No one wants to deal with a middleman. Not only does it delay the process (whatever process that may be), but it also increases the costs. Wouldn’t you rather communicate directly with the company who will be providing the products or services you need? When it comes to installment loans, this advice is especially pertinent. A direct lender will manage every aspect of the lending process—application approval, quick funding, repayment, etc.—instead of passing your information over to a third party. Wondering how to get started? Learning how to find direct lenders is easier than you might have thought . . .
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